A little history of me

Okay. So here it goes. Let me tell you somethings to bring you up to date, so to speak. I am 29. I have been in a normal, monotonous relationship for over two years. My significant other (S.O.) has been a tremendous blessing in my life. When I met my S.O. I was working full time as a office manager during the day and a bar manager at night. My child was staying with my sister, over summer vacation to hang out with cousins. I was working 90 plus hours a week. I could not have imagined taking a break.

I needed to work, I had house payments to make. Bills did not stop coming. As soon as I had one paid in full, another was about to be shut off. I did not have the luxury of cable or internet service. I got online at work, which I probably should not have done; though, it never interfered. I had little time for extras. I missed my child horribly, but having my child at my sister's house saved me a ton of money.

Anyways, so I started seeing my S.O. Things were going okay, we were mostly just hanging out like friends. My S.O. is younger so it was kind of like I was a teacher. That made things fun and exciting and interesting. My S.O. and I decided to take a giant leap early on in our relationship and move 1000 miles away from all of  my friends and family, to some god forsaken corn town in the midwest.

After just a short deliberation, I went to my sister's, got my child and started packing. My S.O. and I were soon celebrating our four month (I know, not long) anniversary, far away from everything that I had known and loved. It has been an amazing and wonderful experience. I plan to discuss this further, as time goes on.

So as is my luck, I got health insurance (for the first time in over ten years), and found out that I had a lot of things wrong. I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, alongside a severe anixety disorder. Pair that with needing shoulder and knee surgery, almost immediately. Now consider CTScans. Oh my. They told me I had spots and fogged areas just about everywhere. Lungs, Head, Face, and any area with scar tissue. Tumors, cysts, and the such overwhelmed my body.

My doctors say that I got coverage just in time. If I hadn't gotten looked at, who knows what would have happened. I have been told I have cervical cancer, as well as lung cancer. I may possibly have brain cancer, because I have some scar tissue there that is showing up. I have denied treatment. As I know that there is no cure (except probably in the rain forest getting chopped down by some greedy land owner). I will allow the removal of any area of concern. I do not wish to get sick and all those other things that come with Chemo and radiation. I want my child to remember me with a smile on my face; Not my hair falling out.

As I continue my struggle, I will write. I want to keep a record of everything that I am going through. I think my thoughts and emotions associated with this situation are important enough to make note of. I will share my concerns, dreams, problems, and reality with all who will read about it. I owe this to my family to show them just how crucial they have been.


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