Yahoo Answers ~ Love it

A funny little thing happened recently and it had to do with Yahoo Answers.

First, I would like to point out that I am a faithful Yahoo user since the very beginning. Yes, I was old enough to use the internet when games were played online through bulletin board style chat rooms.
Second, I would like to point out that  my man is a faithful Google guy. Of course, with all his charm and persuasion, I have a Google account as well.

One night I was looking for something to watch instantly online through my Netflix account.  My man pinged me with an e-mail. I was surprised to get a yahoo message from him, so I had to check it out. The e-mail was a request to read one of his answers to a question on Yahoo Answers. In all my time as a Yahoo user I have never gone to Yahoo Answers. I use a lot of the other applications such as weather and movies and such. But I think it has now become my favorite Yahoo extension.

When I first got to the home page, I realized that I should do a quick rundown and fix-up of my profile. I would like to give a thumbs up to whoever developed the layout; they did a great job. It was easy to navigate. I knew right away what the benefits of Yahoo Answers could be. So I read his answer along with all the others and I voted his response as best answer.

Then, I became hooked. I was reading questions in all the different categories. After reading questions and responses, I was a bit disappointed with some of the answers that had gotten voted as best answers. I starting thinking about how I would have answered the question. It did not take long before I went to the answer part. I randomly browsed the categories for a while. I noticed people with over 10000 answers given and all these ratings and points.

This is were I am torn. I want to answer in just one Yahoo Answers category to increase my stats and chances for best answers. The problem is that I want to answer in so many categories. I am trying to stick to at least just two for right now, but I am desperately fighting the urge to answer some questions in other areas of interest.

I do not know how I am going to proceed, just yet. I believe that I will stick to one or two categories; then, answer within a few different sub-categories. If anyone has some experienced advice they would like to share, please feel free to do so in a comment. I will update the blog on progress as often as possible.

~As always, thanks for reading. Blessed Be.~

I love yahoo answers

Ok so I know that this blog is not well developed. I am having a hard time finding inspiration to want to write. So, in the meantime, I will use this as a redirect for my yahoo answers.

I promise that I will write more soon. I hope that you enjoy my yahoo answers. Thanks for reading this.
Have a great day.

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